You WANT this!

i want godWhat do we really want? Sometime we know, sometimes we think we know, most of the time we don’t stop long enough to really answer the question. The words within these pages are so rich, point straight to the heart, and are worth their weight in precious minutes. I needed these words, and wasn’t really aware I needed them. Lisa expresses truth in such a passionate, transparent manner, that I paused, underlined, and thought. Lisa covers topics that include wanting God more than comfort, logic & reason, popularity, and blessing. For this season of my life, not only did these words refocus me, it helped me to share with other family members by starting a conversation that needed to take place. So join Lisa, get in the game, for as she says, “We are at our very best when we make peace with who God made us to be.”

Feel free to clink the picture above, or here to jump over to Amazon.

Here are some of my favorite underlines:

  • The truth is, until the want matches the need, nothing will ever change.  Needing without wanting is just a really good idea that never sees light.
  • Wanting God is not a risk.  Living without wanting Him is.
  • We who have much are often the most in need because we have forgotten how it feels to be desperate.
  • The people who go hard for God are not the ones who try the hardest.  They are the ones who want Him more than anything else.
  • God rarely uses the ones we’d expect.
  • If He asks a question, it’s only to open a narrower mind to a bigger view.
  • The “more” God gives is really about the loss and less and the willingness to do without and yes, the joy in that.  It’s about discipline and dedication and focus and surrender.
  • The more we have of Him, the ore we survive and even thrive.
  • …only He knows the time when are hearts are truly ready to see.
  • He designed us to be capable of going all in.
  • When we want God more than anything, we forgo our control of what life looks like.  We must be ready for popularity lost.  Comfort interrupted.  Reason tossed away.  Self disregarded.  Sin exposed.
  • Wanting more really just means that what we have now will no longer do, and we believe He has better.
  • I want God to consume me more than the mess that is currently consuming my life.
  • We can’t serve God fully while we are all settled in, because God is the great unsettler.
  • He doesn’t want us to settle for sitting on the sidelines and watching our influence go by when He has given us the ability to play ball.
  • If God is ever going to invade our insides and do that powerful work we groan for, we are going to have to stop sabotaging it by insulting ourselves to the point where neither He nor we can move.
  • Things keep us comfortable but comfortable keeps us from God.
  • People who are used by God aren’t born special.  They’ve just tasted something good and kept coming back for it.  They live with a different longing.
  • Let God break your rules.
  • Life with God was never meant to be a calculated risk; it was meant to be an illogical surety.
  • God often calls us to the illogical and unreasonable places to expose what position control holds in our lives.
  • He doesn’t have to make sense to be Sovereign.
  • We will never be qualified to do anything God-sized; all we can ever be is willing.
  • Wanting God over logic and reason comes with an underlying trust on our part and thorough follow-through on His.
  • God is waiting on us to choose Him, only Him, always Him, forever Him…and he will release us from every self-inflicted chain that has kept us bound so we can live free.

Dear Jesus,

Thank you for your Word.  Thank you for your truth.  Thank you for your grace and mercy and forgiveness.  Thank you for giving us the desire to Want You.  Lord we get side-tracked, we get pulled, we get off-track while getting on-track.  We mess up.  And yet, there You are.  Forever and always.  Thank you for loving me enough to die, knowing full well the extent of my sin.  Thank you for your servant Lisa who has a willing heart to pursue you, to love you, to want You more than comfort, popularity, or even the blessing.  My heart has been changed and inspired to seek more of You.  Lord forgive me when I don’t.  I rejoice in knowing and believing your truth, and in that truth, I am free.


Don’t miss out on this one!


I would love to introduce you to my friend Stacy Williams today.  She is the sweetest young thing.  I’m telling ya, the happiest smile on her face, and a love for the Lord that just exudes out of her every pore.  One would never guess that beneath all this outward joy, pain resides.

Out of obedience, Stacy has written an e-book devotional.  Each day contains scripture, a prayer, personal stories, and encouragement to the reader across a variety of topics. These topics include dreams, prayer, resting, grace, comfort, trust, fear, and even excitement.

Pain & suffering, lessons learned in the “hard” – often times we wouldn’t dare ask for them, we shy away from even talking about them, yet it’s in those times that we learn and draw closer to the heart of our Creator.  Stacy Williams walks the reader through her beautiful journey of pain and shed’s light, His light, on lessons she continues to learn through His ultimate purpose.

I found myself captivated by her personal testimony, riveted by the truth of scriptures brought to light, and thankful for the time spent in reflection on my own journey. Within these pages are words that can be visited time and time again. Each devotion gives the reader a chance to grab a few minutes of time, whether it’s once a day, or several times a day, perfect for those in a season of full schedules. It could also be a perfect gift for that friend or family member who comes to mind that is facing a season and is in need of that fresh Word of God.

Due to the generosity that Stacy also exudes, I would LOVE to give-away a copy of this devotional to one of you!  Simply leave a comment by answering this question:

What “pain” have you experienced, or are currently experiencing and how has God walked you through it?

Praying you have a blessed day!

Stressed-Less Living, it is possible!

Today, I’m super excited, in fact, I’m a little giddy.


I have been given a gift that simply must be shared.  I have been given an on-line friendship with a woman who has been inspiring me daily through her gift of writing.  And when I say gift, I’m talking a double portion.  She is authentic, she is transparent, she has the most beautiful, humble heart, and her faith is as real as it gets.

Her name is Tracie Miles, and God continues to write an amazing story in and about her life.

Tracie is a national conference speaker for Proverbs 31 Ministries, and a monthly contributing writer for the Proverbs 31 Ministries Encouragement For Today online email devotions which reach over 500,000 people around the world every day, and are also featured on Crosswalk and Biblegateway.  She is also a contributing writer for the P31 Woman Magazine.After graduating from UNC Charlotte, Tracie spent fifteen years climbing the corporate ladder before having her heart completely transformed at a powerful women’s conference, where she felt God calling her to be a speaker and a writer.

Tracie is actively involved in her church where she has been a member for seventeen years, and served as a leader in women’s ministry for six years before focusing her energies on speaking and writing. In addition to her ministry speaking schedule, Tracie is a Freelance Corporate Trainer for Fortune 500 companies, teaching life management, stress management, leadership, team building and performance improvement skills.

Tracie’s new book Stressed-Less Living: Finding God’s Peace In Your Chaotic World will be released tomorrow, October 2, 2012!

It is a fabulous book!  It is heart-felt, it is empowering, it is practical.  Tracie shares with us truth found in Scripture on how to overcome fear, anxiety, and uncertainty to not only survive stress, but to thrive in faith through the promises of God.

In order to allow us an opportunity to hear straight from her heart, Tracie so kindly took the time to answer a few questions for us today:

1.  Tracie, thanks for meeting with us here today, take us through the moments leading up the time you knew that God was placing this message on your heart?

My pleasure Heather! Seven years ago, after resigning from my corporate job, it took a few months for me to really get my head out of the game, as far as the workplace. I had never been unemployed or a stay at home mom, so it was a huge change in my life. But after a few months of being home, I realized that all the health problems I had been having for a couple years, had basically disappeared. It became blaringly obvious that stress had been damaging my health in many ways, but I never realized it until I was looking back in hindsight. But most importantly, during those few months of being home, all alone with nobody but me and God while my 3 kids were at school all day, I found a peace in God that I never knew was possible. Not because I left a stressful job – because I still had a lot of personal stressors in my life – but because my faith had grown tremendously as I focused on God and devoted my energies to walking down a new path that He was calling me to.  Once I saw how dangerous stress can be to women physically, emotionally and spiritually, God really gave me a passion to share His message of hope that we can overcome our stress in His power, and that peace can be a reality no matter what we are going through – whether it be money, work, family, marriage or parenting.

2.  Did you have any reservations about this message He was asking you to communicate?

My  only reservation was that I felt God nudging me to share some really private feelings and thoughts, and to be totally transparent in some of the stories I share in the book, without dishonoring anyone involved. God has proven Himself faithful in many difficult situations in my life, and I had to learn to trust His nudging, even when it was about something I didn’t want to do.  So I had to pray about sharing those stories in a way that glorifies God, but also maintains respect for the people involved. But I trust that He has a purpose for each story shared in the book.

3.  How did this writing process affect your growth in Christ while in process of this calling?

Sometimes I don’t spend enough time really digging into God’s Word and researching life applicable topics – so writing, whether it be a book or a blog post, motivates me to do that and I always learn so much. I feel a compelling desire to learn everything I can about a verse or a passage that I am studying, so my faith always continues to grow in the process as I see God speaking to me through His Word. The more He speaks, the more motivated I am to dig deeper, and then write about it!

4.  What message(s) do you hope your readers can take with them into their everyday lives?

The core message of my book is that no matter how stressful or difficult a life situation is, we can find peace in God in the midst of it.  My heart breaks for people who don’t know Christ, and face horrible situations and tremendous stress, with no hope to grasp onto.  I just want people to know that Jesus really does care and understand, and that He offers stress relief if we ask for it.

5.  Moving into this season of a book release, what are your hopes and prayers?

My prayer is that God will place this message into the hands of every woman who needs to know that she is not forgotten by God or alone in this world, and that people will begin to see Christ as a legitimate answer to their stress.

6.  How can we pray for you?

Prayers are always appreciated!  For Proverbs 31 as a whole, for me in my ministry and personal life, and for the enemy’s attempts at discouragement to always be thwarted through Gods’ power.

Know that we will be praying Tracie!  Thank you for taking the time to share with us today and more importantly, for obeying God’s calling to write His message.  We are blessed for it!

AND that’s not all…

Tracie is also generously giving away… not 1, not 2, but 7 free gifts for those who purchase a book starting today until October 7th.  These gifts include a 5 session video series, an audio version of a speaking session, and a 50 page companion journal to accompany the book!

Just fabulous!  Don’t wait, jump on this opportunity today!

To get to know more, join her on facebook and twitter.  And don’t forget to share!  Good friends share the best news.  Have a wonderful day!

And the winner is…

We welcome you to the Conrad home this morning, complete with pajamas, bed-head hair, sneezes, and some Daddy-singing from the other room.  Congratulations to the winners!

And don’t forget to scroll down just one post to enter to win some sweet treats.  Entries will end at midnight tonight!  Happy Friday!

Book Review

I have a confession to make.

I have a secret indulgence.

I don’t indulge often, but when I do, I just drink it in.

I secretly love fiction.

Oh yes I do.

Thanks in part to Thomas Nelson Publishers and Booksneeze, I was able to partake in this adventure.  And so can you…

This story is about a boy and a river.  Simple concept, beautifully crafted.

Gabriel Clarke is his name, and he’s mysteriously drawn to The River, but something holds him back.  Chains of both fear and resentment imprison him, keeping him from discovering the treasure to be found there.  He remains trapped, afraid to take hold of the life awaiting him.  Afraid, due to a childhood memory.

I really enjoyed this tale.  It’s simplicity lent itself to the sensation of being swept away into the scenery and the plot alongside the characters.  It delved into topics of healing, forgiveness, adventure, and most importantly, living life with a purpose.  I now understand in a new capacity, the concept of The River that constantly changes, constantly flows, and breathes life into all it touches.  Reminds me of the verse:

John 7:38
Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”

I tend to think deeply, and this just resonated with me,

I think that butterfly feeling will always be there whenever you connect with something bigger than you.  It’s part of what makes life beautiful.  If you stay connected only to that which is small enough for you to understand and control, then you have nothing – no adventure, no destiny, and no purpose.

So good.  Life was indeed meant to be lived.

Interested?  I would love to pass this along.  Simply leave a comment about your favorite outdoor location, and my “assistants” will randomly choose a winner on Friday.

Enjoy a wonderful day of adventure with Him!

Boldly Living Your Purposes with Vibrant Clarity

I’ve had the wonderful privilege to read this book.  Here’s the scoop:

Women in High Def aims to propel women out of a low-def, foggy life of going through the motions in a blur. The profound stories, intercessory prayer prompts and coaching elements work together to catapult women into living fearlessly for God…being bolder moms, having purposeful passions, pursuing marriage excellence, loving themselves with gusto, laughing with abandon, transforming mistakes into blasts of blessings and bravely seeking the Lord in all His majestic glory. The bonus Bible study at the back of the book points them to scripture to gain Biblical insight and direction for each need and role they play. It can be used alone or in a group.

Women in High Def is not passive reading. It cries out to the spirit of readers to be unafraid as they actively reach for clarity, vibrancy and intensity in all the meaningful areas of their lives.

Here’s the scoop on the author:

Diane Markins has always aspired to live in High Def. She uses her radio show, writing and speaking to inspire women to transform their lives from mediocre and complacent to bold and vibrant. She settles for nothing less in her own life as a wife, mom, grandmother, friend and colleague. Diane writes two blogs, and,  is a regular contributor to the Presidential Prayer Team website and She and her husband of 33 years work and live close to their children in Arizona.

Here’s what another fantastic author has to say:

Women in High Defwill remind you that when God writes your story, you are in for the adventure of a lifetime! Diane Markins has written a book addressing topics women deal with on a day-to-day basis. If you are looking for a contemporary, captivating read filled with practical advice that will give you insight and wisdom for daily decisions, this is it!”

~ Carol Kent, Speaker and Author Between a Rock and a Grace Place (Zondervan)

Simply to add my 2 cents – It’s fabulous.

Within the pages, you will find 10 chapters, organized into a variety of topics such as Beauty of Health, Security, Purposeful Pursuits, and Friendship.  Each of these chapters contain 6 articles, written as a compilation of over 18 different authors.  I thoroughly enjoyed the variety of perspectives and writing styles, as well as the introduction to several new writers.  I found myself extremely encouraged by the mission of this book.  I too want my life to transition from the old RCA to the new HD LED intensity.  I too long for sharp clarity of purpose, vibrantly colored relationships, and bright contrast as I take bold action.  I too want to be a Woman of High Def.

AND… that’s not all!!  You too can own this book!

To celebrate the “Going Boldly” Blog Tour Women in High Def is available for free until September 14 on Kindle at:

AND… that’s not all!!  You can be entered to win the grand prize!

“Going Boldly” Blog Tour Grand Prize

 – Retail Value: $70

  • Book (Women in High Def: Boldly Living Your Purposes with Vibrant Clarity)
  • Bright and Vibrant Earrings
  • Sparkling Cider (to celebrate life)
  • Sumatra Coffee (Bold, Earthy Flavor)
  • Into the Wild body wash and spray fragrance from Bath and Body Works
  • Custom coffee mug: Women in High Def (front), BE YOUR BOLD SELF! (back)


How?  Well, I’m glad you asked.

Simple.  Leave a comment.  Tell me what intrigues you, tell me your thoughts on the book or author, tell me your favorite flavor of ice cream.  Just comment. Period.

  1. Each blog tour host will draw one name from those comments to send to the tour coordinator by September 21.
  2. The coordinator will put all the names into a drawing, and select a winner, using an online randomizer.
  3. The coordinator will notify the blog tour host who submitted the winning name.
  4. The blog tour host will notify the winner and collect the mailing info so the author can send out the prize

See.  Not too hard.  And it fun!  Don’t forget to comment!  And have a High Def Day! (ugggg, maybe a little too over the top).

What is that smell?

Prayer.  Scent.  How do these two words go hand in hand?

So glad you asked!

I want to introduce you to my fabulously talented friend, Rachel!

She has carefully crafted an ebook that first began as an act of obedience as the Lord asked her to both research and host a summer bible study.  From there, she began to write thoughts of our group into the format of blog posts.  She compiled it even further as the Lord prompted her to present it to her Pastor, and finally, the Lord gave her this task while running one afternoon… for Him.

There is great word teaching.

There are some new “peeks” into the life of a Biblical character by the name of Hannah.

There are word pictures that play out as a movie in the screen of our minds.

There are personal stories.

There is great reflection and personal application implied.

In short, it’s fabulous.  You will thoroughly enjoy this time as you and the Lord reflect together through the penmanship of this wonderful servant of His.

If you are scared about the whole ebook thing, don’t be.  Click here to read how it can be yours!


with one more click (this time, my comment button), you will be entered to win a copy for FREE.

Yep, free.  Just give me a quick thought about what interests you in regards to this topic.  Thanks for taking the time, you will be blessed!  Contest will close this Friday.

Have a fabulously fragrant day!


AND THE WINNER IS….  Carol Yoder!!!

Congratulations Carol, you will be receiving an email shortly!  For those of you interested, I highly encourage you to click on the link above to purchase this fabulous ebook for only $2.99!  Enjoy your day!

Book Review


Fiction.  Nothing like it.  A gifted story-teller is one who creates a movie that brilliantly unfolds in the mind’s eye.  The scenes are set, costumes are worn, and character’s personalities are each unveiled as if the reader was included in the script.  Great fiction leaves the reader more educated than before the first page was turned.  Outstanding fiction creates an opportunity for the reader’s character to be inspired to grow alongside the story-line.  This is outstanding.  In this case, the reader wants to get their hands on the sequel.  And they don’t want to wait (ahem).

I want to thank author Jamie Carie for not only educating me, but inspiring me.  The human spirit is an amazing page-turner.  She captures the tenacity and persistence of the human spirit to, against all odds, fight for the what’s right.  God’s gifts are all round us, if we only ask to see.

About the Book:
The Guardian Duke is award-winning novelist Jamie Carie’s most exciting story yet, a uniquely arranged Regency-era romantic adventure where hero and heroine know each other through written letters but have yet to meet.
Gabriel, the Duke of St. Easton, is ordered by the King to take guardianship over Lady Alexandria Featherstone whose parents are presumed dead after failing to return from a high profile treasure hunt. But Alexandria ignores this royal reassignment, believing her parents are still alive and duly following clues that may lead to their whereabouts. Gabriel, pressured by what are actually the King’s ulterior motives, pursues her across windswept England and the rolling green hills of Ireland but is always one step behind. When they do meet, the search for earthly treasure will pale in comparison to what God has planned for both of them.


Live Action Book Trailer:


One Sheet:

USA Today Review:

“Disclosure of Material Connection: I received one or more of the products or services mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission’s 16 CFR, Part 255: “Guides Concerning the Use of Endorsements and Testimonials in Advertising.”