Looking for an opportunity to attend?

Imagine what it would be like if the God who created us was willing and able to provide exactly what we need. Why would He do that? Because He loves us. He loves YOU. Imagine that.

Intrigued? Curious? Maybe a little thirsty for more?  I know I am!  Perhaps you’re ready for a little getaway?  May I highly recommend 2 days with Women of Faith.  Take a moment to click here to checkout the location nearest you.  Or perhaps, like me, you couldn’t attend the one nearest you, but would entertain the thought of looking to the ‘next nearest’ location.  The Lord opened up an opportunity for me to attend in Indianapolis.  Perhaps He has a similar opportunity for you as well.  You won’t be disappointed.

Here’s a glimpse…

Pray about it.  Grab a buddy.  Allow the Lord to do a work.  He might just have am amazing blessing in store for you.

Thanks for this opportunity Women of Faith!

A blast from the past…

Enjoyed a great family evening tonight.  Columbus hosted Winter Jam in our town, a concert put on by Christian artists from all over the country.  With tickets just $10 at the door, the place was packed!  We have some dear friends with access to a suite (and even special parking, what a treat!), and so, we packed our van and headed off for an evening of loud music and dancing!

What a special evening to share in this together.  Aaron certainly introduces music into our household on a daily basis, it simply does a beautiful, melodic job of carrying meaning, and even memories for that matter.  At one point during the concert, our middle child found her way into my lap, well, spilled over my lap for that matter, but oh my heart enjoyed it.  One of my favorite treasured moments was rocking my children when they were young (just ask the youngest, I still try to steal one when I can).  As we swayed to the music, my mind slowly unfolded a memory… so real and alive, it was as if it was happening simultaneously with the present.  I no longer was the adult rocking, I was the child being rocked…

We lived in a 3 bedroom ranch home in the seventies.  I remember brown shag carpet, a large picture of a tree, and a record playing stereo.  It’s night time, and the lights are turned down.  There is soft music playing in the background, and I’m being led by hand to a rocking chair pulled into the center of the room.  My Father sits down, and gently pulls me onto his lap, where my head rests on his shoulder.  He tenderly holds me, whispers softly in my ear, gently rubs my back, and holds me close.  Back and forth to the music.  The safety of his arms, the warmth of his touch, the beat of his heart, the sounds of his voice.  I couldn’t put it into words, but I knew.  I knew that I was safe.  I knew that I was loved.  My soul was at rest.  Perfect peace.  And then, I would fall asleep…

The Lord, is His divine sovereignty, saw fit to give me a picture of this powerful love at such a young age.  Nothing I can say I deserved, simply His plan.  I wonder why he drew my attention and heightened my sensed to this very special time?  Could it be that He wanted to remind me of how my Heavenly Father longs for me to crawl into his lap?  Could it be that He was singing lullabies just to me tonight, whispering and reminding me that in His arms lies safety, lies peace, brings the indescribable sense of His love?  How I cherished the moments of holding my child in this way, how much more does He cherish the times I come to Him to find rest?

Matthew 11:28
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.

Often times we think of rest when things are settled in our days, or in our life for that matter.  Not so the case for Peter.  Here, In Acts 12, we find him… in jail.

6 The night before Herod was to bring him to trial, Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance.

Today, right at this moment, your Heavenly Father loves you.  He sits in his Heavenly rocking chair and beacons you.  Can you hear Him?  Have you distanced yourself to the point where life has drowned out that still small voice?  It’s okay.  You’re never too far away.  The Bible says there is no where we can run or hide from God (Romans 8).  The Lord says there is rejoicing in heaven whenever a child turns to Him.  Today’s the day.  No matter where you find yourself, his lap is always available.  Rock to your hearts content!  Have a fabulous Sunday in worship of His Holy Name.

Blessings of walking IN Him…

Every once in awhile, there are special moments.  Moments that you simply find yourself a part of, in the middle of, standing and smiling.  Perhaps it’s an event, perhaps it’s a spoken word, perhaps it’s a written word, either way, it’s received, and that’s all.  Reminds me of the concept of grace – a gift bestowed from the One who simply delights in me, knowing full well all my faults, flaws, and sins.  This concept describes last evening for me.  As I ran this morning, I found myself still basking in the moment, amazed and humbled once again to share about my Lord.

A few weeks ago, Aaron and I decided to purchase some tickets in support of this tour.  Max Lucado had a vision of spreading the word about a ministry that is the voice of thousands of children around the world.  The venue to spread the word was a concert put on by three amazing groups of artists, with three very different styles, three unique voices, one common thread – serving their Lord, however He asks.  Because of their obedience, over 300 more children will now have food, water, clothing, and an opportunity for education for the first time.  World Vision is following God’s call to share His provisions in a way to reach people globally, to make a connection with an outstretched hand, to make a difference in the life of one child.  I’m praying for you today as to a connection the Lord might have for you and your family with an “adopted” little one you may never meet. Please, click on the link and pray about an opportunity He might have for you.  He connected us with 7-year-old Kutesa from Uganda, a little boy the same age as our middle child, a young boy of 21 in his family who lives in a country devastated by AIDS.  What a privilege to give, no strings attached.

As we headed to Dayton last evening, I had no idea what was in store.  I found myself simply thankful for an opportunity to attend with my “boys”, a treat knowing the girls were being loved on by some dear friends, with the added bonus of being granted access to “backstage” passes by means of another God-ordained friendship.  We arrived, and one by one, the Lord added sprinkles and cherries to our ice cream platters of goodness.  We “bumped” into some good friends from our hometown, my brothers’ pastor and his wife (childhood hometown friends), and even a childhood best friend of my husband’s (who just so happened to sit in the row directly behind us).  Yep, not only were we granted the desirable pink bracelets, but we were ushered to 10th row floor seats on top of that.  (We were then able to hand our “seats” to others before they purchased… free).  AND…

There is a very special lady I was told would be in attendance as well.  To say I respect this lovely lady would be an understatement.  Without ever meeting this woman face-to-face, she has spoken into my life in so many ways.  She is a devoted wife, a mother, a grandmother, a talented writer, a true follower of Christ.  I had the privilege of being introduced to her at a Women of Faith event through a special friend of mine, all the while knowing this dear women is introduced to hundreds of people as she travels with her husband, Michael Hyatt, speaker, chairman and CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. Gail and I had a chance to connect on Twitter, yet weren’t able to finalize plans.  As I looked forward to even a  remote possibility to say “hi” again, we were ushered to our seats, and who just happened to be seated directly next to us?  Yep.  Above and beyond what I could even ask for…

We enjoyed an amazing time of worship together, both as a family, and the “family” of Christ who connects hearts in ways that human minds can’t even comprehend.  We listening to Toby Mac and Diverse City, Third Day, and Max Lucado – each man a humble servant, vibrant with energy to use their gifts and talents in a way that honors Him and unites the body of Christ.  During intermission, we then walked to the designated area for those with “pink” bracelets.  Simply because we were “with” the Hyatts, we even bypassed the “line” of wait-ers, and were ushered to the backstage area.  Aaron’s comment,

This simply doesn’t happen.

Honey, I guess it does.



 Yep, we were given a gift.  A chance to speak words of encouragement and gratefulness to men being used as willing vessels for Him.  They treated us with kindness, warmth, and genuine smiles.  Austin’s response… nothin but a smile.

We returned to our seats, simply enjoying the praise and worship of Michael W. Smith, amazed at all that had transpired.  With our new little boy “tucked” in my heart and into my purse, I reflected on the words spoken and sung tonight – shine your light and, let the whole world see.  Yep, none other than the previous post He worked through my heart – yep, Toby read the exact same verse brought to my attention just this week.  God sees, He prepares, He answers, He blesses.  It’s real, He’s real, faith is real, His love is unreal.  You blow me away Lord, thanks for the “moment”.  This draws me back to your faithfulness over and over again.

If you live in the area, would you consider joining my friend Rachel and I for an opportunity to GROW together in this daily walk with Him?  We would love to see you there.  He just might have something for you that will knock your socks off!  Wouldn’t want to miss that would ya?  Have a great day IN Him!